Friday, 4 November 2011

Tipsy Friend - June of Mamawearpapashirt

I 'met' June not too long ago and if I can remember correctly, it was through my guest post over at Natalie's that I got to know her. She's a sweet lady who's a great writer, a wonderful mom to two adorable kids and a loving wife to a huggin' husband. I'm really happy to have her over today as my Tipsy Friend. Welcome to my bloghome June!


I've been enjoying Germaine's blog for awhile now, and have been linking up with her lovely Picnesday feature every Wednesday. So when she invited me to be her Tipsy Friend (guest-blogger), I nearly jumped off my bed (where I had been snuggled in rather peacefully with my iPad). I wanted to shout YES! But quickly realised that she's all the way in Malaysia, and she wouldn't be able to hear me.

As I pondered over what I could possibly write for her blog that might be vaguely interesting, I realised that it was only because of technology that we were able to find each other in the worldwideweb of blogs. That thought was what inspired me to write this post about my love-hate relationship with technology...

- I heart technology because it grants me mobility and speed - I can be transported to the moon at the speed of light.

- I hate technology because it makes me impatient. (When the kids can't get their bums moving, don't you ever wish you could click fast forward?)

- I heart technology because it occupies my toddler while I bother myself with house-cleaning.

- I hate technology because I'm worried that she will grow to become a dysfunctional, unsociable creature, with obsessive compulsive clicking disorder. (Like me.)

- I heart technology because it allows me to do more than I've ever done in the past - at any one time.

- I hate technology because I can't seem to have a proper conversation with a friend without either of us glancing at our mobile phones every time they light up.

- I heart technology because it has stretched my world - I know so much more about the universe and the people living in it because of Google, everyone's friendly search engine.

- I hate technology because it has shrunk my world - I no longer need to step beyond my room door to access information and purchase things. (Which also means my butt is getting bigger from being plastered to the chair.)

- I heart technology because it helps me save time - I can check my emails, search for information, steal borrow from other people's ideas, and of course, buy things.

- I hate technology because before I know it, it's past my bedtime.

- I heart technology because there's so many new, fun and interesting things to read, tweet, share, and pin everywhere online.

- I hate technology because it has numbed my ability to smell the fresh flowers, feel the breeze on my face, and hear the birds cooing.

- I heart technology because I am the master of my image - I can beautify photographs, create a LinkedIn profile, blog, or website, and control the information that's shared with everyone (more or less).

- I hate technology because it makes me forget that what really matters is not what people see. It's who I am inside.

- I heart technology because I can keep in touch with people I love scattered across the globe and even make new friends (like I did with Germaine).

- I hate technology because at times I get so caught up that I don't even say 'Hi' to my own husband who just walked in the door. (Okay, quite frequently nowadays.)

I ...

I could go on and on, but I think you get my point by now.

Do you heart or hate technology? Why?


I heart technology because it has made information so easily accessible. I hate technology because my kids will never know what it's like before Google came along. 

Thanks so much for sharing your heart-hate relationship with technology here today and for being a great Tipsy Friend June!

Whatcha waitin' for friends? Technology's helping you get connected with June over at Twitter and Facebook!

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Hi, I'm a new follower today and found you through Grumpy Grateful Mom. I love your post and how you're brave enough to admit a love hate relationship with the new way we are living. I also miss being outdoors more. I used to work outdoors in a garden center and as a landscaper and resented any "job" that would keep me imprisoned in a climate controlled environment. Those days are gone. Making myself go out for more than trips to the car and in and out of the car for errands has become a challenge. Your post reminds me to stay true to my essential self that doesn't run on technology.
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
June, great post! I heart and hate technology for all the same reasons you do. I too, suffer from obsessive compulsive clicking disorder. Sigh.

But, I'd rather live WITH technology than without. What does that say about me? :)
My recent post Time-Saving Strategies for Busy Mothers
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Because of technology, i got hook to the pc most of the time...sigh**
My recent post Continuous from Tokyo Street @ Pavillion
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Yep, here I sit.....and way past my bedtime. I am often suprised at how well I actually function on 5 hours sleep. It technology could just come up with a caffeine IV drip....I'd be good to go! Lovely meeting June.
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
My fingers were free last time. These days they are hooked to the iPhone 24/7. Technology... good or bad? it changes things alrite.. not for the best of it sometimes :(
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Be it hates or hearts, I would just say I can't live without the technology. Life is too pamper with the technology.
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
i too have a love hate relationship with technology. :)
My recent post What Jo said today
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
Yes, I love technology
But not as much as you, you see
But I still love technology
Always and forever
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
It really is a love-hate relationship isn't it? I mean life did exist before technology...hard to believe I know!
My recent post Lovely Fall Brings Shorter Days
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
I am with you. Sometimes I wonder how I grew up to be this tech savvy growing up with a dial phone. And what lays ahead for my son...
Great post June.
My recent post Mountain VS Volcano
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
Technology is fabulous! And horrible. Sometime I think back to what life was like before cell phones and it blows my mind that I didn't know what I was missing!
My recent post 5 Hints to My Fabulous Costume (No Octopus Knowledge Required)
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
Fab Post.
I shall steal it! Just kidding. No i'm not :)
--I heart technology because I met you!! x
My recent post Winners Givaways and Water For Elephants
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
Haha! I love this. How true it is! And that quote? Perfect :)
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
Excellent post! I have mixed feeling about technology too. Some days I wish it would all disappear. I suppose I could just turn everything off on my own, but yet...I can't.
My recent post Serious Chocolate Issues
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
What an honest post. I too have my love hate relationship with technology. But come what may, technology is here to stay.
My recent post The Mom Challenge- the first week
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
I have a love/hate relationship with technology too. I love how it sucks me into the virtual world and I hate how it does that, too. (-:
My recent post Ella’s Volcano Cake
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
You really did get me thinking about the fact it's a love/hate. I definitely hate it for shrinking the attention spans of the entire human population. We just hop and hop and hop all over the web for the next quick fix!
My recent post My Dad Had Polio
It is so easy to have it take over your life!
My recent post Mommy Moments and Frankenstein Stitches
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
I hate technology because it worsen the OC'ness in me and for someone who easily get distracted we were never best friend. But I heart technology because with mommy duties I can easily have me time without leaving the comfort of my home. And of course the endless research I made trying to navigate this motherhood thing.
My recent post Life in pictures
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago
I love your list. I wish my kids had a mute button as well as a fast-forward!
My recent post High school…here we come
1 reply · active 696 weeks ago

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