Sunday 31 July 2011

Life's Lessons - Itchy Fingers Edition

I thought I'd do a summary of how my week went with Rach and Sara's linky, Life's Lessons.

1. I've got itchy fingers again.

2. When the fingers itch, I get me a new blog design. (tips from Sneaky Momma's Blog Design and Clover Lane)

3. I have to ask - why is everyone moving over to Wordpress?! Is Blogger really that bad? I told Alison before that I'm in my comfort zone now and probably will never move my blog butt anywhere but now I am seriously reconsidering. I mean, since I'm relatively new to blogging, it's better to move now than later, right?

4. So, my itchy fingers have opened me a new account over at Wordpress just to check out what the hype is about Mr WP over there.

5. I can't function well without enough sleep. I don't know how Kimberly and Stasha do it, staying up till the wee hours of morning, still tweeting and blogging, but I can't. Yesterday I got up at 3am thinking it was 6am and didn't sleep till 11pm.

6. So I tweeted and did my first #FF.

7. After that I had to take my son for his Sports Day the whole morning..

8. On top of that I had a little sparkling wine after lunch. I felt like I was floating in Lalaland the whole afternoon. I almost came down with a flu after that and was totally bummed out by 11pm last night. I. Need. To. Sleep

9.  My boy went for his first dental visit this week. Dentist told me he inherited teeth grinding habit from me. Also that he has a slight squint on his left eye and I should get it checked and corrected. Okaayy...

10. This is my 200th post!

11. Had lots of durians over the week.

12. Received another durian from a kind neighbour again today - Yippee!

13.  Excuse me but my fingers are itching for some more durians now. Got to go!

Hope y'all have a good week ahead!

Life With Baby Donut
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