Friday 18 November 2011

Tipsy Friend - Leslie of Time Out For Mom

Today's Tipsy Friend is a multi-talented, fun-loving mom of 3 and wife of 1. She's a wonderful writer, mother, blogger, gardener, poet and digi-scrapbooker (her newfound obsession passion). By the way, she's having a Giveaway over at her blog and you stand a chance to win a free digital scrapbooking software. There's still time to enter!

And if you don't already know, she hosts a link-up every Tuesday called Tuesday Coffee Chat and comes up with some awesome prompts every week. I owe it to Tuesday Coffee Chat for being influential in coffee - and I don't even drink coffee. I found this lady through 5QF when I was once into interviewing myself and have since felt really blessed to have gotten to know her. She writes some really heart-warming, honest and thought-provoking posts that just oozes wisdom and spirituality and that's what I love about her. She can also be downright humourous and shares some really thought-provokingly hilarious videos too. I'm so glad to have her be my Tipsy Friend today. Welcome to my bloghome Leslie!


I am absolutely thrilled to be one of Germaine’s Tipsy Friends today. I confess I wanted to straight-out ask her; and it’s so not like me to be shy.

Luckily, she saved me from my own hesitancy, and thus, here I am. But, now that I am here: what to say........

What could two SAHM’s, one from Canada, the other from Malaysia possibly have in common?

Besides being mommies. And having adorable, photo-worthy children. And social media addictions hobbies.

Okay, perhaps not a great starting question.

What I mean is, besides all that normal mommy stuff that bonds us. What is the core of our mother’s heart? Is it the same, no matter the distance between us?

Well....let’s start with mine.

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone

She's the last child to lay her head down nighty-nite, and the first to greet the sun most mornings. In the between time, she toddles along behind me; always watching, listening: learning. Underfoot. I nearly trip over her, again. I sigh, turn to her and smile, "hi baby", she reaches her arms high, "up, pluhzz". Her arms tighten around my neck , she kisses my cheek and lays her head on my shoulder; cuddling in. "Hush baby" she whispers; so I sing.

She is sweetness and light; even when pulling anything not nailed or glued down, off, out, and scattering toys over the house. If caught, she throws the item down: and smiles. It’s hard to tell that little face 'no'. But alas little one, you must learn; sometimes love says 'no'. The tears fall, but after a spell she will claim a hug and kiss. Yes, little one, it is also true - love covers over.

She is 2 years of busy curiosity and never-ending exploration. Her faith in the security net that is mommy, is absolute. A family of 5 can be a busy, noisy place. Yet, she is content just to be there with us. Happy to be included, whether it is waiting for the bus, taking a hand while saying Grace, or helping me tuck everyone into bed at night. Soon, she knows, it will be her turn. She toddles down the hall, glancing over her shoulder, “bubba?”

Yes, little one, let's get your bottle. It's time for bed. You must be so tired from your busy day. As she cuddles into my side, slowly rocking, sleepy eyes on mine, one hand on my chest.....I marvel at what she has learned in 2 short years. Not just the routine and the rules of life, but the relationships. That somewhere in the midst of all her discovery and play, she is already learning what it is to love.

Angel Girl

First thing you gotta know….she’s a hugger. And no one is safe. Her family, her friends: an unsuspecting stranger at the grocery store. She has so much love to give; and you’re gonna get it: whether you want it or not! Best to just go with it. She’ll sense hesitation, and only hold on tighter.

My Angel Girl….sweetness, spunk and sass all rolled into one. Where she hides that piercing shriek inside such a tiny frame, is a mystery I will never solve. But I guess when you are always caught in the middle….you got to make sure you can be heard. A little bit princess, a little bit cowgirl. Throw in some super spy powers and a dash of worm saviour. At 4 years old she is expanding her world beyond the safety and security of her own backyard. Fearless at times, but right now, she knows mommy is never far away. But what of later? For as sure as I know she needs me still, I also know one day, this little bird will want to fly.

And in my fear, for this lovely, and loving daughter of mine, would I clip her wings? So much I want to hold tight and shield her from the darkness of the world. How then, would the light I see inside her, shine? Could I live with being the one to cause that light in her eyes to dim, or that fire in her spirit, to sputter and die?

Monkey Boy

I watch the intense concentration on my son's face as he carefully reads the instructions. Slowly, page by page, the Lego takes form. I've seen that look over the years as he bent over the train table, the sand-box, his homework. The piece seems so complicated, and I know that frustration may soon get the better of him. Today, he holds on, and gains the victory. A tidal wave carrying 7 years of memories floods in. I am awed by the privilege to be here, in this moment, witness to this amazing life.

Later, as I tuck him into bed, he asks for his favourite song. It’s long, and it's been a busy day. I rush the song. When it's done, he leans in to kiss me good-night: "50 times mommy." My impatience grows. There is still much to be done before I lay my own head to rest. Precious to a mommy are those final hours when the house is quiet and still. We say our prayers and I turn to leave. There's always another question; some small request. He doesn't want to let me go.

I pause at the door: annoyance flees.

Letting go.

How much longer will I have these special moments? How long before lullabies, kisses and prayers just aren't cool. How long before the only sounds are the lost echoes of pitter patter in the hallways? How tight will I then hold, when letting go time arrives. Just one more thing before you go son…..daughter....

Those dirty smudges on the wall I obsessively clean; will eventually get higher, and higher: and then they'll be gone. One day there will be no toys to pick up, laundry to wash, or lunches to be made. These children whom I gave life to, kissed hurts and hugged away sorrows. They won't need me anymore. They will no longer be mine. And I recall a quote I once read:

"Before I was a daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife, a mother - I was His."

These children, while born of my body, are not mine. While it is my awesome task, my duty, and my privilege to mould them and guide them, they belong to another. Before they were ever mine, they were His. They have only been entrusted to me for a season, and one day, that season will have passed. When they finally fly away, the One who knew them first will be watching over them. And long after I am gone, they will still be His. One day; it will be Him that calls them home. But until that day - This then is the legacy I hope to leave: that upon reflecting upon all that I gave them, they would say: 

“The greatest gifts my mother gave me, were roots to stand, and wings to fly.”

What kind of legacy do you hope to bestow upon your children?


Now, wasn't that heart-warming, honest and thought-provoking? I know I'll be reading this post again when my kids are grown and I'm not needed anymore. *sobs*

Please, do head on over to Time Out For Mom and get to know Leslie. You won't regret it. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and Pinterest too!

And with Leslie's post here, I hereby conclude my Tipsy Friends series.

For this year.

Some fireworks to mark the end of Tipsy Friends 2011 Edition. I figured everyone will be in a holiday mood pretty soon with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up; so as a Christmas gift to all my potential Tipsy Friends - I shall not bug you for a post until next year.

Tipsy Friends 2012 Edition will be released in January 2012! :)

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