I'm doing Tuesday Coffee Chat with Leslie of Time Out For Mom today and we were given the prompt to Rant or Rave about anything we like this week. I'm so happy to be back in my hometown this week that it's rather impossible for me to rant about anything. So, I've decided to rave about something I do almost every week in Bloggyland - linkies!
For those of you who aren't familiar with a linky or the more technical term for it, meme, it's basically a great idea that a blogger comes up with and decides to open it up to other bloggers to join in by way of a link-up with the host (usually the genius behind the idea). The host will use a link-up tool (usually Inlinz or Linky Tools) where other bloggers can add their blog post URL when the link-up is open. All you do is add your URL and visit other linkers to see what they have to share.
Linkies are a great way to get to know new bloggy friends. I have to thank Alison for introducing me to the world of linkies with my first link-up through Erica's Lovelinks. I met many wonderful friends through that first link-up alone - Jen, Natalie, Rach and Julie to name a few. And I've never looked back since.
Besides getting to meet new friends, you get prompts to help you figure out what to write for your blog. It's great when blogger's block decides to knock on your door.
Linkies have also helped me blog in a more organized way. Make a list on Monday, chat or share a favorite post on Tuesday, do Picnesday (that's my very own linky) on Wednesday, brush up on my phonics on Thursday, wrap up my week on Friday and resist the temptation to blog on weekends.
Need more traffic to your blog, well join a linky. When I participate in a linky, I will try to visit other linkers as well. My rule is 5 or more. Some hosts would specify a minimum number of visits to other linkers like Jenny's Alphabe Thursday where linkers are encouraged to visit at least 10 other linkers. I think that's great because then you don't get people who just link and leave. Besides, the whole point of a link-up is to get together and share, so it's nice to visit other linkers. I will also make sure I visit linkers who've paid me a visit. Visits = Traffic.
Here, I'd like to share some of the linkies that I like. Some I've not participated in before but I think they are great.
Link up a favourite post of the week, visit,
comment, vote and possibly win.
Time Travel Tuesday
Link up an old post that didn't get the attention it deserved.

Well, if you need to Pour Your Heart Out
Wednesday Words of Wisdom
Have any wise word to share?
There are a lot more great linkies out there and if you find the right ones that tickle your fancy, link up and have fun. Sure makes blogging a whole lot more interesting.
Do you dig linkies?
So much FUN to make a list and check out other linkers' lists |
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Have not done this but it encourages you to share a story of how you were able to focus on your strengths and just be happy being you. |
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To chat and share about a topic picked by Leslie |
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If you're a poet, this one's for you |
Link up a favourite post of the week, visit,
comment, vote and possibly win.
Time Travel Tuesday
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Pick a picture(s) and have it be the main focus of your post. Wordless or not, old or new. |
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For other Wordless Wednesday linkies |

Well, if you need to Pour Your Heart Out
Wednesday Words of Wisdom
Have any wise word to share?
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Write a post beginning with the alphabet of the week. This week's alphabet is 'T' |
Get inspiration to write from Mama Kat's writing prompts |
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Great way to wrap up your week |
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If you'd like to interview yourself |
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Read a book with your kids and link up an activity related to that book |
There are a lot more great linkies out there and if you find the right ones that tickle your fancy, link up and have fun. Sure makes blogging a whole lot more interesting.
Do you dig linkies?