Adult music - Lady Gaga, Bon Jovi and Nickelback instead of Toddler Tune Time, 100 Nursery Rhymes and 50 Favourite Action Songs for Toddlers.
CSI and Criminal Minds.
A holiday with just the Hubs.
At least 6 straight hours of sleep.
A good oven - to bake all the yummy recipes I've seen on many blogs.
A nice kitchen - my kitchen is at least 20 over years old and needs remodelling, badly.
Yoga and exercise.
Me-time besides 5 minutes in the shower.
A neat and tidy living room.
A nice quiet meal with the Hubs.
More bedroom activity - the kind that doesn't involve the kids.
More shoes.
What's missing in your life?
"M" is for Missing at Jenny Matlock's