Monday 27 June 2011

What Has Become of Us

We used to...

Catch up on our day.

Tell each other how our bosses are driving us crazy.

Talk about places we'd like to visit.

Plan activities for the coming weekend.

Talk about what movies we'd like to watch at the cinema.

Debate over current issues.

Talk about how our politicians messed up the country.

Share our thoughts and feelings.

But now...

We do this.

At a restaurant the other day, my husband and I spent 15 minutes trying to outdo each other with this Monkey toy; while waiting for our food to arrive. Notice how it's not that easy to get it to flip back to it's feet. It requires a certain amount of skill. We spent another 5 minutes studying the toy to see how we could best get it to flip back to it's feet. 

What has become of us?

Linking up here with Erica's Lovelinks.

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