Tuesday 12 April 2011

Human Milk For Human Babies

Human Milk For Human Babies, what a great organisation! And now there's a Malaysian chapter. I just discovered this through a good friend who facilitates with this network. What they do is basically get mothers who have excess breastmilk to share with other mothers in need of breastmilk for their babies. During the first 6 months of when I had both my kids, I had a HUGE stash of breastmilk, enough to feed triplets. I felt really blessed but didn't know who to give them to. Family and friends didn't want them - they kind of gave me a look of dismay when I asked and then tried to laugh it off. I even checked with a paediatrician friend if there was a milk bank somewhere, and she said what they usually do in the government hospitals is to just ask the mothers to share among their family members. So, what did I do with all the liquid gold I had - throw them ALL away. Wah so "sum thong" (heartache in cantonese). In some cases where babies are premature and are more susceptible to infections, especially in the early days, breastmilk can save lives. So, calling all mothers out there, check out Human Milk For Human Babies and start sharing!
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