I want my kids to enjoy reading, to learn and enrich their lives through reading. I think kiddos these days are reading more because parents these days are more aware of it's importance. So, here's how I'm encouraging my kids to be bookworms
2. Let them tell you what they want to read.
3. Read to them anytime, anyday, whenever, wherever.
4. Shut the T.V. and cut the cable.
5. Take them to the bookshop often.
6. Animate your reading. Inject humour if it gets too boring.
7. Let them take the lead. Stop when they tell you they have enough of reading. I try very hard also never to turn them down (no matter how busy I am) when they want to read. Or, finish off what I'm doing quickly and get back to them ASAP.
8. Make it a habit to read to them at bedtime. It helps settle them into sleep mode and definitely a good habit to have.